Noodles between legs (to increase heart rate and general body exercise)
50 Jogging, feet on floor and keep arms moving
50 Cross country, wide steps forward and stretching out opposite arms front and back
50 Jumping Jack – arms and legs out wide to the side and then bring back together
50 Scissors, small flutter criss-crosses with feet. Keep feet pointed
50 Touching opposite hand to ankle at front/alternate and then alternate front and back
50 Froggy, feet up to hands at front
Noodles behind back (to increase heart rate and general body exercises)
50 Pulsing, short pushes out and back to chest with legs together50 Kick end of noodle (hold ends) with opposite foot
20 Whales tails, knees up to breast, roll forward and stretch legs out as roll over. Repeat
50 Lie back on noodle. Bring legs together and push out straight then bring back to chest twisting body to bring up legs each time on opposite side of chest.
Run around in shallow water 10 minutes forwards and 5 minutes backwards. Keep arms moving (preferably with arm in air) (To increase heart rate and exercise legs and arm)
Noodle under foot (leg exercises) hold side of pool:
50 With bent knee use foot to push noodle up and down
50 Straight leg backwards use foot to push noodle down in water and then let rise again
Repeat with other leg
Stretches: Bend one leg behind and garb ankle with hand. Pull upwards to stretch upp
Noodle arm exercises
25 Arms out straight at shoulder level. Small pulses upwards
25 Arms out straight at shoulder level. Small pulses downwards
25 Arms out at shoulder level, be
nd elbow with hands touching above head. Pull a piece
25 Bend arms, one in front and one behind head and swap back and forward
25 Arms out straight at shoulder level. Scissor arms moving them up on each scissor till
25 Forearms together in front of face. Pulse up and down on one side and then on other
No Noodle arm exercise
15 + 15 Press ups on step with hands facing inwards. Stop and hold between each 15
15 + 15 Turn around and do press ups with arms behind back. Stop and hold between
each 15
One arm out straight and use other hand to push across chest. Repeat with
Bend one arm over head and reach do
wn back as far as possible. Use other
Unfortunately I broke my ankle on Hash in Trindad so my fellow Noodelers had to do the classes without me. They kept doi ng it and the next Potluck they saw me they showered me with presents and Christine on Quadrille wrote a lovely peom:
A yellow noodle sits forlornly,
By the Crews Inn pool.
‘Come in’ says Ellie ‘it’s so good,
The water’s nice and cool’
Denise arrives at
And cries out ‘Will you pump’
And Ralf dives in to make a splash,
And calls- to make us jump.
We are the Rainbow Noodlers,
We’re slim and honed and light.
With stomachs flat and nothing fat,
And buttocks firm and tight!
Although we’re getting stronger now,
And turn up every day,
There’s someone whom we miss a lot,
Who first showed us the way.
Manuela’s full of joie-de-vivre,
And runs in local Hashes.
But one dark day she slipped and fell,
And down the poor girl crashes!
So please Manuela – get well soon,
The Noodlers all miss you.
We hope your ankle mends real quick,
And Noodles -good as new.